A deep philosophical question here: Does the baptism of a pregnant woman apply to her unborn child?
Inquiring minds want to know.
(i wanted to put this in the child abuse section of the forum!).
we have seen that during the march 2017 broadcast, m stephen lett has openly praised children who get baptised as young as 10!.
so lets summarize why it is wrong to push child baptism (not far off "infant baptism" that jws condemn other churches for).
A deep philosophical question here: Does the baptism of a pregnant woman apply to her unborn child?
Inquiring minds want to know.
interesting article in the huff post uk today - scientists in australia have been studying the tooth enamel of neanderthals (homo neanderthalensis).. from the article: .
dr laura weyrich, author on the paper, said: “genetic analysis of that dna locked-up in plaque, represents a unique window into neanderthal lifestyle ― revealing new details of what they ate, what their health was like and how the environment impacted their behaviour.” .
... neanderthals who lived in spy cave ate wooly rhinoceros and wild sheep ... those from the el sidron cave ate a largely vegetarian diet of pine nuts, moss, mushrooms and tree bark.. and perhaps the most interesting: one of these vegetarian subjects had a dental abscess on his jawbone, and a diarrhea-causing parasite, and was self medicating with poplar - a plant that contains salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin.. (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/neanderthals-used-aspirin-to-self-medicate_uk_58c13a4fe4b0ed71826a4151?utm_hp_ref=uk; http://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/news91022.html)..
Textbooks have always pictured the Neanderthal as a brutish and unintelligent being. The "experts" are going to have to rewrite textbooks.
Actually, those text books are from a hundred years ago. Since the 1950s Paleoanthropologists started seeing Neandertals in a new light.
They were still less intelligent than we were based on the conservative and unchanging tool set that they used versus our more sophisticated and constantly changing ones.
And yes, their brains were bigger than ours but not in the right places.
Neandertals had a sloping forehead above his thick brow ridges which meant he had less prefrontal lobes than us - critical to foresight and long range planning. We have a more domelike bubbly brain.
They also had less cerebral cortex than we which meant lesser general intelligence.
His brain volume exceeded ours because his skull was much longer than ours from front to back giving him an egg shaped skull compared to our bubbly one. That meant that they had more occipital lobes which are the visual center at the rear of the brain. This implies that they were more visually oriented than we, probably memorizing every nook and cranny of his territory.
They also grew up faster than us with a 10 year old Neandertal being the equivalent of a 15 year old Homo Sapiens. This required more growth hormone creating a higher metabolism which would have a greater impact on his personality. They were probably more quick tempered than us.
Simply a different species than ours.
As for the interbreeding between them and us I suspect that it was Cro-Magnon males who mated with Neandertal females. This was probably the result of violence between our two species where the victorious Homo Sapiens took captive brides. Sound familiar?
as most of you know there has been a rise in antisemitism in the world as of late, especially in the united states where i live where many of our jewish community centers and schools have been subjected to bomb threats.
around the world many jewish cemeteries have been vandalized too.. while i have left the forum earlier this year due to a need to move on with my own healing path (and realizing this forum is doing quite well with the many bright minds already among the crowd), i have briefly returned mainly to write this note of gratitude (though i did post a few times too while i have been here).. it has been touching and very helpful when muslims, christians, and people of other faiths have stood with those of us in the jewish community to protest this wave of hostility against my people.
there have been many public displays of solidarity with us against these acts of hatred and prejudice and some personal notes from friends letting me know i am not alone.. some of you have been among those who have voiced your concern for me and other jews during this time.
You're welcome Jay.
The media could have misinterpreted the statement from Armageddon, or something similar, to 'hell' which the public is more familiar with.
And then those same people cry out that they're being persecuted because they're told that is unacceptable behavior.
there is a lot of talk about the usa's new president, mr trump.
he seems to be like what they say about marmite, people either love him or hate him.
is there any middle ground?.
The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks. "there was much singing and good natured banter"synonyms: repartee, witty conversation, raillery, wordplay, cut and thrust, kidding, badinage, joshing.Punkofnice,
Edit to add: I'm not feeling good with words today, excuse the use of the word banter and talk.....can't think of alternatives
it was a year ago today that my life changed completely.
i'll never forget it.
i had zero friends in the kh and was never included in the "guys" drinks, football games, parties etc.
what do you think it will take to get the defenders, and equivocators to stop their apologetics?.
i'm beginning to wonder if we will literally see the king walking down the street with no clothes and still have the equivicators on this board make excuses.
23 days ago, zeb posted this familiar but ever intriguing thread regarding 1914, the mother of all topics.. put youir [sic] thinking caps on.zeb 23 days ago this was sent to me from doug shields blog.
for those who like stats and numbers may find this of interest.1914 – recognizing the ”the elephant in the room”.
the problem with the date ”1914 ad” lays with the two calendars that are involved – jewish and gregorian.
Back in the late 1800s, the doctrine - absurdly false as it was - had more consistency than its replacement doctrine after 1914. I'm referring to the version before today's were you had 1914 + a generation. Here's the reason:
The inconsistency comes when they dropped the Millennium from 1914. If you recall the doctrine of Type/Anti-Type, Nebuchadnezzar was prophesied to go insane for 7 'times' then regain his sanity AFTER the 7 times were over. Back then, in the 19th century, that had some consistency since JW doctrine held that the nations would survive (somewhat) right into the (1914+) Millennium and be blessed by it.
But then they changed the doctrine separating 1914 from the Millennium and, more importantly, claimed that man-made disasters started intensifying since then.
So how would 'typical' Nebuchadnezzar, who regained his sanity after his 7 times, be compared to the 'anti-typical' nations (Which he prophetically represented.) who actually got worse after their 7 times?
for information leading to the arrest and imprisonment of.
Only a $25,000 reward for this guy but well worth it considering he's a JW.